Femme (2024)
Short film
Directed by Nina Noël Raaijmakers
Cinematography Nino Stafleu
Produced by MakeWay Film
Production Design Aurora Albin
Cast Nola Elvis Kemper
Jatou Sumbunu
Mika de Pee
Duration 15 minutes
Made with the support of The Dutch Film Fund, NEXT and WeArePlaygrounds and gemeente Rotterdam
Short film
Directed by Nina Noël Raaijmakers
Cinematography Nino Stafleu
Produced by MakeWay Film
Production Design Aurora Albin
Cast Nola Elvis Kemper
Jatou Sumbunu
Mika de Pee
Duration 15 minutes
Made with the support of The Dutch Film Fund, NEXT and WeArePlaygrounds and gemeente Rotterdam